Going Beyond The Textbooks
While Guardian Christian Academy focuses on excellence in academics, we believe the education of children and adolescents does not end in the classroom.
As a school, we strive to provide enrichment opportunities that educate the whole child, focusing on the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical, along with the intellectual. The goal is always to provide a vibrant student life that supports and enhances the overall educational experience.
Tutoring Program
Our tutoring program supports K-12 students in core academic subject areas.
Fine Arts and Drama
Allowing students to explore and refine their talents in visual arts, music and theatre.
Local and Regional Academic Competitions
Including Spelling Bees, Art Festivals, Creative Writing competitions, and Math Olympics
Addressing the needs of the 21st century learner through access and instruction using Office 365, Google for Education, Computer Science programs, STEM-based learning and coding. Students use high-quality
technology devices such as Mac Book Pros, business class laptops, and tablets (IOS and Android).
Elementary Resource Classes
Providing instruction in the areas of PE, Art, Computer Technology, Music, Library, and Spanish/French.
Middle and High School Electives and Exploratory Classes
Enriching students with over 35 courses in disciplines ranging from music, art, and technology to public speaking, culinary arts, and personal finance.
Field Trips
Enhancing curriculum for all grade levels.
Trips and Overnight Retreats
Providing understanding of academic content and opportunities for missions and service.
Chapels and Spiritual Emphasis Week
Fostering spiritual formation and opportunities for corporate worship.
Special Events
Including high school Spring Formal, Grandparents Day, class holiday parties, Field Day, among many others
Ready to schedule a tour of our beautiful campus to see what GCA has to offer?
Call 804-715-3210 to schedule your tour with one of our admissions officers.